I dunno how to free the 3rd stickman statue, so now I can't do much damage with the magic weapons.

Hopefully dodge is actually block, so missed projectiles disappear instead passing through.

I dunno how to re-spec my stickmen, so for my 1st I only put points into short and physical multipliers, cuz I was using light glove to charge up range attack (ironically isn't a 'ranged attack' in that it has long range just splash damage all targets within range) to clear out the cave with waterfall where skull bats swarm me, for second stickman I plan to get it up to 50% dodge, cuz that's the maximum allowed, then put rest of points into LP, and equip it with glove so it'll walk slightly closer to enemy to cover my 1st (use sword most of the time boxing glove is just swapout). When I click 'options' in the lower right corner, nothing opens up.